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Brand Activations: Cut Through the Noise

Updated: Nov 21, 2022

Honeycomb Agency have developed a Brand Activation with visitors gifted a branded promotional item personalised onsite. The activation attracts and connects with visitors and captures lead data.

A brand activation refers to the moment when a consumer becomes actively aware of your brand. B2B brands use brand activations at trade shows, conferences and other events to attract attention and engage with visitors.

A successful brand activation usually includes some form of interactive engagement where people are encouraged to stop and find out more. They may be given a free sample, a gift or even an experience.

Brand activation relies on elements of surprise and creativity. Creative ideas provide a multi-touch brand experience to connect a visitor to a brand.

As brands vie for attention in a noisy marketplace, brand activations kick-start the consumer-brand relationship. They can make things feel more personal and give a new product or label the chance to be remembered.

Personalising the brand activation experience ensures a visitor’s interaction with the brand is remembered long after the experience, creating an ongoing positive brand association.

According to the customer experience experts at Epsilon, 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from a brand that provides personalised experiences, while 90% say they find personalisation appealing.

Honeycomb Agency create an activation experience that allows delegates to complete a short survey, for which they receive a gift personalised onsite. The brand activation attracts visitors and creates multiple opportunities to engage with stand representatives. The branded personalised item then becomes a tangible reminder of the experience long after the event. Managing Director of Honeycomb Agency, Jane Hamilton said, “Stand visitors are truly delighted with their gifts and they make a fantastic conversation starter at the busy events.”

About Honeycomb Promotional Marketing Agency

Honeycomb Agency is a promotional marketing agency, established back in 2004 (then Events Plus). Honeycomb have forged strong and loyal relationships with strategic partners and clients. The Agency have developed an award-winning lead activation program to capture data whilst attracting visitors with personalised promotional merchandise.

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