Business Events Australia have released their key findings from the business events domestic corporate research. The following are the key findings:
There is a clear and positive shift in the levels of confidence and comfort most business decision makers feel regarding event planning across a range of metrics, 84% are now planning events for the next 6-12 months (+13% from FEB 22)
While the proportion of businesses currently planning events longer term is lower at 71% (-3%), the influence COVID-related factors is reportedly having on planning decisions continues to soften
The appetite to relocate at least one overseas corporate event to Australia in the next year is the strongest it has ever been, as 95% claim they are likely to relocate one or more of these events to Australia in the next 12 months
Appetite to get back to face-to-face events continues to grow with 61% claiming this format for events in the next 12-18 months or sooner (as interest in hybrid events falls away)
Two thirds (64%) of businesses intend to involve travel in these future events, and the level of comfort with travelling intrastate and interstate is at its strongest yet, with approximately 90% claiming to feel at ease with the idea
Businesses that have not run events since March 2020 are most likely to be looking for a stabilisation or reduction in COVID case numbers in their local area and state / territory before resuming events
For businesses planning to hold domestic events in the future, the vast majority (c.90%) estimate that the number of events, number of attendees per event and allocated budget of their domestic event(s) will be similar if not greater than pre-COVID. State / territory capital cities remain the most likely location.
Sample size n=454, Australian corporate decision makers across Australia
Event Here This Year campaign outcomes:
54% of target customers in Australia reported that they had seen the campaign, and of these, 96% reported that they had taken a positive step in relation to planning an event in Australia
This positive step included: spoken to a colleague about planning a F2F business event in Australia, sought more information about business events in Australia, organised / planned their next F2F business event in Australia, held a F2F event in Australia they otherwise would not have held.
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