WHS & Risk Programs
All good industries take Work, Health & Safety, and Risk Management very seriously. The Exhibition & Event Association of Australasia is no different.
The Association has established an ongoing committee of industry leaders whose purpose is to support programs that “provide a single source of truth” for, and help direct our members to original source information, for matters pertaining to Work, Health & Safety, and Risk Management.
The mission of this group is to:
1. Make available to its members original source contact information pertaining to WH&S and Risk Management.
2. The development and communication of best standards practice guidelines for risk & safety.
The Association recognises that rules and regulations vary both geographically (by state) as well as by venue. As such a single set of rules is not possible however this Committee aims to provide a framework by the end of 2022, to assist Organisers, Venues and Suppliers find common and best practices for our live events. This is about informing our members what the minimum requirements are, in the meantime our resource tool allows you to identify the contact at each venue that is responsible for Risk, Health and Safety so you can access the most up to date information for your events.
In addition to providing this single source of truth, the Association has engaged an industry expert, Beaspoke Safety, a specialist risk and safety consultancy, basic and preliminary advice to its members. More involved services such as event management plans, venue plans & onsite reviews, COVIDSafe planning and plans, risk assessments, Safe Work Method Statements, and training on risk management, COVIDSafe protocols and plans, and manual handling can be obtained professionally from this provider.
Read the three most common questions asked, and answers to them on this page.
The Exhibition & Events Association of Australasia’s WH&S and Risk Management Single Source Tool and roadmap are all available to members by accessing the Members Area of our website, with the aim to provide the industry guidelines at the end of 2022. Members having difficulty accessing this area should call the EEAA office for assistance.
Q) Why do different states / countries have different Risk and Safety requirements.
A) Each state and country have separate agencies that are responsible for Risk and Safety. As such different states / countries may have different requirements.
Please refer to the EEAA links to each agency and venue operating in that state. for most current information
Q) Why do different venues have different requirements.
A) Venues in different countries / states are required to follow those regions' requirements, additionally, the design of each venue is unique and must comply with the venue's Fire Engineer Report.
Please refer to the EEAA links to EEAA Member Venues for their individual requirements.
Q) I have an event coming up later in the year, what COVID rules will be in place.
A) Due to the nature of COVID-19 governments update any COVID-19 Health Orders as required.
The EEAA has provided links to each states COVID-19 government website please check these for updates to allow best planning for your event.